Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

It might not have been the best time

Hari ini.. tanggal 5 Desember..
It was still fresh.. Was still felt..

1 September 2003..
Itu hari dimana kita berdua masuk kampus masing2..
I believe we both were so excited to get started..

Semester pertama..
Aku dapet IPK 3.00 dan Dia dengan bangganya bilang, "Aku dapet 4.00 dong.."
Gw pun cuma bisa ngenes.. But, so you say. " Ayo.. semester depan yah, harus bisa?"
Gw pun cuma senyum.. Dalam hati, ga gampang tau.. It's a whole new world for me...

One day you dried my hair before I go to campus.. Kamu bilang, "Kok rambutnya ga dikeringin sich..? Sini.."
Then she dried my hair with towel.. Nyokap cuma gedek2 en bilang, "Ngepain sich,Mba? Biarin aj dia ngeringin sendiri..."

Few years later.. My Mom gave her The Book that I wrote..
"Bagus nih, Ca.. Jadi keinspirasi pengen nulis..."

And then.. You gave me that Little Black Book with all The Quotes that you've already wrote in it..
"Kamu terusin aja yah...?"
And use them for few years already...

Di Rumah Sakit,
Kamu bilang, "Aku suka deh sama kamu.." dengan hati bergetar dan was-was aku cuma bisa jawab,
"Akh.. jadi enak neh.." sambil senyum-senyum.
"Hmm.. tau gitu ga bilang tadi." kamu pun jawab sambil becanda dan buang muka.
And we all laugh together..
Aku nyuapin walopun ga kamu abisin..
Malemnya minta Es Krim rasa Caramel sama Mas Danny.. Abis pula dilahap...

Di kawinannya Icksan n Shinta...
You shook your head on "The Dancing Queen" song..
I took the Family Picture Behind your wheel chair...

It was simple..
Tapi, sekarang..
Meja scrabble di rumah Tante Iin, berkurang 1 orang pemain..

Maaf kalo aku masih menangis sampai saat ini..
Maaf kalo air mataku menghambat jalanmu..

Selamat Ultah yah, Bude...

I'll miss your smile for always...

ps. I'm Sorry that I didn't put any picture here..

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